Senior researcher

Jin-Yi Zhang


Xiao-Min Zhai



Luo-Kan Chen

Luo-Kan Chen was graduated from University of Science and Technology of China with a Bachelor’s degree in 2009. After that, he got the test waiver admission for the postgraduate degree and received a Doctor of Philosophy in 2015. During his PhD’s studies, his researches were once published in Nature. Photonics, Physical Review Letters, Optica, Applied Physics Letters and Optics Express. Owing to his performance, he was rewarded the Micius outstanding Graduates and Post-Doctors Awards, the Qiu Shi Graduate Student Scholarship.

Yang Li

Yang Li, male, born in January 1991, postdoctoral researcher in Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale. He has gotten Bachelor of Science degree in 2011 and Doctor of Engineering degree in 2016 from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) respectively, and has won USTC Guanghua scholarship, CAS Centre for Excellence in Quantum Information and Quantum Physics outstanding graduate scholarship (First Prize) and CAS Zhu Liyuehua excellent doctoral student scholarship, etc.

Fu-Tian Liang

Dr. Liang Futian, graduated from the Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China 2013.He is a Associate Professor of the University of Science and Technology of China. The main research direction is high-speed and high-precision ASIC chip design, circuit design, providing electronic technical support for quantum communication and superconducting quantum computing.

Wen-Qi Cai

Education experience:
2005 / 08-2010 / 07, University of Science and Technology of China, Department of Modern Physics, Ph.D.
2001 / 05-2005 / 07, University of Science and Technology of China, Department of Modern Physics, undergraduate
Research work experience:
2010 / 07-2012 / 08, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
2012 / 08-2014 / 12, China University of Science and Technology, Hefei National Laboratory for Microscale Material Science, Postdoctoral
