Prof.Pan wins OSA 2019 Wood Prize


Prof.PAN jianwei of University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) wins 2019 R. W. Wood Prize ,presented by the Optical Society of America(OSA)for pioneering experimental research at the frontier of quantum foundations and optical implementations of quantum information, including quantum nonlocality, quantum key distribution, quantum teleportation, and optical quantum computing.
This is the first time that a Chinese scientist has won this prize with a local research project since the award was established in 1975.

R. W. Wood Prize Recognizes an outstanding discovery, scientific or technical achievement, or invention in the field of optics. The accomplishment for which the prize is given is measured chiefly by its impact on the field of optics generally, and therefore the contribution is one that opens a new era of research or significantly expands an established one.The award was established in 1975 to honor the many contributions that R.W. Wood made to optics. It is endowed by the Xerox Corporation.
