Quantum Theory Group - Barry Sanders

Principal investigator

Our research is focused on using the rich theory of Quantum Mechanics to advance the knowledge of physical phenomena, protocols and their implementation. Current areas of research include machine learning to control nonlinear quantum systems, classical and quantum algorithms for simulation, wavelet theory, collective Rydberg blockade and its application to many body Physics, scalable quantum networks, quantum walks, topological orders, quantum annealing, measures of coherence, quantum channels and their decomposition, quantum cryptography and classical discord.


Related Publications

  • Habibidavijani, M. & Sanders, B. Continuous-variable ramp quantum secret sharing with Gaussian states and operations. New Journal of Physics 21, 113023 (2019).
  • Asgarnezhad-Zorgabad, S., Sadighi-Bonabi, R. & Sanders, B. Excitation and propagation of surface polaritonic rogue waves and breathers. Physical Review A 98, 1-17 (2018).
  • Quan, D. -X., Zhu, L. -L., Pei, C. -X. & Sanders, B. Fault-tolerant conversion between adjacent Reed–Muller quantum codes based on gauge fixing. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 51, 115305 (2018).
  • Xu, S., Sun, X., Wu, J., Zhang, W. -W., Arshed, N. & Sanders, B. Quantum walk on a chimera graph. New Journal of Physics 20, 053039 (2018).
  • Hill, T., Sanders, B. & Deng, H. Cooperative light scattering in any dimension. Physical Review A 95, 1-5 (2017).
  • Zhang, W. -W., Goyal, S., Simon, C. & Sanders, B. Decomposition of split-step quantum walks for simulating Majorana modes and edge states. Physical Review A 95, 052351 (2017).
  • Ghosh, M., Karigowda, A., Jayaraman, A., Bretenaker, F., Sanders, B. & Narayanan, A. Demonstration of a high-contrast optical switching in an atomic Delta system. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 50, (2017).
  • Beig-Mohammadi, M., Sang-Nourpour, N., Sanders, B., Lavoie, B. & Kheradmand, R. Hybrid mode tunability in metamaterial nanowaveguides. Optical Engineering 56, 027105-027105 (2017).
  • Palittapongarnpim, P., Wittek, P., Zahedinejad, E., Vedaie, S. & Sanders, B. Learning in quantum control: High-dimensional global optimization for noisy quantum dynamics. Neurocomputing 268, 116-126 (2017).
  • Wang, D., Liu, C., Xiao, C., Zhang, J., Alotaibi, H., Sanders, B., Wang, L. & Zhu, S. Strong Coherent Light Amplification with Double Electromagnetically Induced Transparency Coherences. Scientific Reports 7, 1-8 (2017).