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- “墨子号”实现基于纠缠的无中继千公里量子保密通信
- Chinese Study on Quantum Communication Wins Newcomb Cleveland Prize
- “墨子号”量子科学实验卫星成果获克利夫兰奖
- “墨子号”量子科学实验卫星洲际量子密钥分发成果入选美国物理学会2018年度国际物理学十大进展
- [Physics] Highlights of the Year
- [New York Times] The Race Is On to Protect Data From the Next Leap in Computers. And China Has the Lead
- [Wired Encryption]Why China's perfectly placed to be quantum computing's superpower
- []18-qubit entanglement sets new record
- [Physics World]Record-breaking entanglement uses photon polarization, position and orbital angular momentum
- [Physics]Viewpoint: Lost Photons Won’t Derail Quantum Sampling
- [Nature Physics]Research Highlight:Sound as a Bell
- 广域量子通信研究团队入选“2017年度科技创新团队”
- “墨子号”量子卫星成功实现洲际量子密钥分发
- [Physics]Focus: Intercontinental, Quantum-Encrypted Messaging and Video
- [Physics World] Atoms and Josephson junctions simulate 1D quantum liquid
- [Physics World] Beijing and Vienna have a quantum conversation
- [Xinhua] Quantum communication experiments lead China's sci-tech innovation
- [China Daily] Chinese science teleported into the lead in quantum race
- [Xinhua] Chinese scientists conduct ground-to-space quantum teleportation
- “墨子号”量子卫星实现星地量子密钥分发和地星量子隐形传态 圆满实现全部既定科学目标
- [SCIENCE] China’s quantum satellite achieves ‘spooky action’ at record distance
- “墨子号”量子卫星实现空间尺度严格满足“爱因斯坦定域性条件”的量子力学非定域性检验
- The World's First Quantum Science Experiment Satellite Comes into Use
- 世界首颗量子科学实验卫星“墨子号”在轨交付仪式在京举行
- 相里斌副院长赴兴隆量子通信地面站调研量子卫星在轨测试工作
- 半岛5.0官网主导研制的全球首颗量子科学实验卫星“墨子号”成功发射
- [China Daily] Scientists Lead China's Quantum Ambitions
- 刘延东在观看量子科学实验卫星发射时强调 推动量子科学研究实现跨越式发展
- [The Daily Galaxy] China Launches New Space Race with World's First Quantum Satellite --"Portal to a Whole New Universe"